
Vision 16 is an intentional living community based on the person and teachings of Jesus.  What does that even mean, you’re probably wondering?

We believe that living in community is a gift, a privilege, and an opportunity.  Community is at the heart of who God is; being three-in-one, the Godhead is community in and of itself.  There is power in community: “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” (Matt 18:20) Living with brothers and sisters helps you learn leadership, it teaches you other perspectives and points of view, it challenges you to live unselfishly, and it leaves you changed.

We believe in community and what God can do through it.  When you live in Vision 16 you can expect several things to be set up for you to help foster community:

  • Small Group:  You and several other students meet weekly with an adult mentor to talk about life and the bible.  This is a great opportunity to engage the deep things of life that may not be comfortable to talk about around the lunch table.
  • Quarterly Gatherings:  These community wide gatherings are a time to meet others, worship, learn, serve, and have fun.  Each one is student organized and led, and the themes and topics always change.
  • House Meetings:  Weekly or bi-weekly everyone from your house will gather to talk about house matters and/or listen to a speaker, worship, or go have fun doing a random activity/adventure.  These are a great time to connect with those in your house that you might not typically see or hang out with.
  • Special Events:  The Social Committee always has something good up their sleeve, whether its the Halloween Dance, The Mocktail, or Spring Formal, you know there will be fun times had for all at these events.  In the Spring there are typically BBQs at the guys house for the entire student community.

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